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What is the return (ROI) on your technology investments, and what role does clean and trusted data play in these investments, and across the mortgage industry?

This paper provides a thorough exploration of these questions.

Written by highly experienced analysts in the fields of ROI, data automation, and artificial intelligence (AI), and applied to the specific challenges and demands of mortgage businesses.

Many ROI assessments focus only on productivity and efficiency, but in this report we also consider:

  • The Data Flywheel: the virtuous circle and accelerating benefits from continual discovery and exploitation of more and better quality data
  • Why Clean Data is Trusted Data: why the value of data increases with use, enabling staff to be more efficient, confident, and innovative
  • Business Elasticity: how trusted data finally enables lenders to adapt to changing volumes without the costs and challenges of hiring and firing
  • Cost to Correct: how AI and automation helps to reduce costs and mitigate risk by preventing data errors or identifying them sooner
  • Exponential Potential: why intelligent automation leads to cumulative ROI impact and creates the potential to build more competitive lending businesses