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a TRUE Look at AI in the Mortgage Industry in 2024





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The current mortgage market is undergoing rapid transformation, largely influenced by technological advancements and market volatility. Adopting AI has become pivotal for industry players to stay competitive and meet evolving demands. AI's importance stems from its ability to process vast amounts of data, providing invaluable insights that streamline automated loan decisioning, optimize operations, and enhance customer experiences.

AI revolutionizes the mortgage industry at a macro level by reshaping traditional practices. It empowers professionals to analyze market trends, predict housing demands, and optimize pricing strategies. AI-powered tools enable better risk assessment for lenders and investors, leading to more informed and accurate decisions.

On a micro level, AI impacts various job roles. Real estate agents leverage AI-driven analytics to understand client preferences better, personalize offerings, and improve property recommendations. Property managers benefit from AI in optimizing maintenance schedules and predicting equipment failures through predictive analytics, ensuring efficient property management. 

Additionally, AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants enhance customer service by responding instantly to inquiries and facilitating smoother transactions.

As mortgage industries continue to evolve, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a transformative force, poised to revolutionize the landscape of mortgage jobs. Embracing AI technologies in mortgage processes promises to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and mitigate risks, allowing professionals to focus more on complex problem solving and client-centric tasks. By automating routine tasks like document verification, risk assessment, and customer service, AI empowers mortgage professionals to allocate their expertise toward strategic decision-making and personalized client interactions. This shift improves job satisfaction and augments productivity, ultimately shaping a more dynamic and adaptable workforce within the mortgage sector.

This report will dig deeper into the macro and micro benefits of adopting AI in the real estate ecosystem, specifically how companies like TRUE can bring the mortgage industry into the Age of AI.

AI in Mortgage Lending: Looking Under the Hood

Integrating AI in mortgage lending has revolutionized the industry, significantly streamlining processes and enhancing decision-making. Artificial intelligence is employed in various facets of the mortgage process, including borrower assessment, risk evaluation, underwriting, and customer service. Machine learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to assess creditworthiness, predict market trends, and personalize mortgage offerings. However, while AI has expedited certain aspects of lending, concerns persist regarding transparency, fairness, and potential biases in algorithmic decision-making, prompting ongoing regulatory scrutiny and efforts to ensure ethical AI utilization in mortgage lending. 

Use the orange arrow below to see more AI driven automation outcomes. 


The integration of AI in mortgage lending has witnessed significant progress, yet human adaptation remains a variable challenge. While some embrace AI's efficiency in streamlining processes and reducing errors, others may struggle with relinquishing control or adapting to new technological paradigms. Education and training initiatives can bridge this gap, empowering individuals to leverage AI to augment their decision-making rather than replace their roles.


AI's impact on mortgage lending extends beyond automating mundane tasks like data entry. It transforms these roles into knowledge learner positions, empowering professionals to analyze patterns, derive insights, and make informed decisions. Employees can focus on interpreting data nuances, identifying trends, and enhancing strategies based on AI generated insights, thereby elevating their roles to higher-value tasks that require human intuition and expertise. 


The elasticity of trusted data within AI-powered mortgage processes ensures adaptability and accuracy. Mortgage systems can adapt to market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and consumer behaviors by continually refining algorithms and leveraging quality data. This adaptability enhances Return on Investment (ROI) by ensuring data integrity, reducing risks, and facilitating more informed decision-making throughout the lending lifecycle. As stated by a group of experts commissioned by TRUE, the ROI of turning “dirty data” into clean, trusted data combined with intelligent automation grows exponentially as it builds on itself and enables the transformation of business processes, especially in data-intense and highly volatile financial operations. 


2024 Predictions for AI in Real Estate

In the realm of real estate, the integration of AI presents a transformative shift across various facets, especially in mortgage processes. As the mortgage market looks to recover in 2024, it is important to see the opportunities that AI can bring to the landscape. Specifically, the mortgage market needs to look at the elasticity of incorporating clean data in the origination process.

Macro View

AI's impact on mortgages is profound, enabling streamlined workflows, faster processing, enhanced risk assessment, and improved customer experiences. Leaders must communicate the benefits of AI to employees by emphasizing its augmentation rather than replacement of roles. Highlight how AI can alleviate mundane tasks, allowing employees to focus on higher-value activities like personalized client interactions, complex decision-making, and strategic planning.

Encourage upskilling programs to empower employees to leverage AI tools effectively. Mortgage companies now have a unique opportunity to use the upcoming period of recovery to focus on incorporating AI not only in the hiring process but also in scaling for future growth. With access to clean data, companies can shift from needing to offshore or outsource tasks to automating simple tasks. Clean data unlocks and enables many benefits, from efficiency and productivity to product development and customer experience.

Micro View

AI empowers each role by automating repetitive tasks, allowing professionals to leverage their expertise for more strategic, personalized, and nuanced interactions. It's crucial to present AI not as a threat but as a tool for empowerment, fostering a collaborative environment where humans and AI work symbiotically for enhanced efficiency and customer satisfaction in the real estate and mortgage sector.

As stated by Mike Metz, Operations Manager at VIP Mortgage, when asked what challenges his company experienced with adopting AI, he pointed out how the perception of information can vary depending on the employee. As he explained, “ We still have personalities within our industry. And no matter how much you train on it, different people will take the same document and classify it as different things. So, one thing that's great about the AI is the consistency of that product. You're always going to find certain documents in the same location every time.”

So, how does this effect your role?

Let’s look at four mortgage lending employee personas and dig deeper into how AI can improve their work and allow them to focus on the more nuanced and fruitful aspects of their roles. Click through each role to expand. 

  • Loan Officer
  • Processor
  • Underwriter
  • Closer/Post Closer

AI can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of a mortgage loan officer's actions in several ways. Firstly, AI-powered algorithms can analyze vast amounts of financial data swiftly, helping loan officers make more informed decisions. By utilizing machine learning models, AI can assess applicants' creditworthiness more accurately, considering factors beyond traditional credit scores, such as spending behaviors, employment history, and social media activities. This comprehensive evaluation minimizes the risk of default and enables loan officers to offer better-tailored loan options to borrowers. Additionally, AI-driven chatbots or virtual assistants can handle routine customer queries, speeding up response times and allowing loan officers to focus on more complex tasks that require human expertise. 

AI enables predictive analytics that forecast market trends and fluctuations in interest rates, assisting loan officers in advising clients on the best timing for mortgage applications or refinancing options. Through predictive modeling, AI can identify patterns and potential risks, enabling loan officers to proactively adjust loan terms or strategies to mitigate these risks. Overall, AI empowers mortgage loan officers by providing them with valuable insights, automating repetitive tasks, and facilitating more accurate decision-making, ultimately improving the quality of service and increasing customer satisfaction. 

AI can significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of a mortgage loan processor in various ways. Firstly, AI-powered algorithms can streamline the loan approval process by quickly analyzing vast amounts of data. Through natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, AI can scrutinize borrower documents, such as income statements and credit histories, rapidly identifying red flags or discrepancies that may otherwise be overlooked by human processors. Moreover, AI can assess risk factors more accurately, providing insights into applicants' creditworthiness and facilitating quicker and more informed decisions. 

AI enables the automation of routine tasks, freeing up valuable time for loan processors to focus on more complex and high-value aspects of their work. Automated systems can handle repetitive tasks like data entry, document verification, and initial customer queries, reducing the processing time and minimizing errors. By integrating AI-driven tools into the workflow, mortgage loan processors can dedicate their expertise to tasks that require human judgment and personal interaction, ultimately improving customer service and satisfaction while expediting the loan approval process. 

AI can significantly enhance the role of a mortgage loan underwriter by streamlining processes, mitigating risks, and improving decision-making. Firstly, AI-powered algorithms can efficiently analyze vast amounts of data from diverse sources, including credit histories, financial statements, employment records, and market trends. By employing machine learning models, AI can quickly identify patterns and assess risk factors more comprehensively than traditional methods. This allows underwriters to make more informed decisions regarding loan approvals, interest rates, and terms, leading to more accurate risk assessments and potentially reducing the likelihood of defaults. 

AI can assist underwriters in automating repetitive tasks, enabling them to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of their job. Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can assist in summarizing lengthy documents, extracting essential information, and flagging inconsistencies or potential issues. Additionally, AI-based systems can adapt and learn from historical data and underwriting decisions, continuously improving their accuracy and efficiency over time. By integrating AI tools into the underwriting process, institutions can expedite loan processing, enhance accuracy, and ultimately provide better-tailored mortgage solutions to customers while effectively managing risk. 

AI can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of tasks performed by mortgage loan closers and post-closers. Firstly, AI-powered systems can streamline the document verification process by rapidly analyzing vast amounts of data. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, these systems can detect discrepancies or errors in documents, ensuring compliance with regulations and reducing the likelihood of mistakes that could lead to delays or complications in closing loans. Additionally, AI can assist in automating routine tasks such as organizing paperwork, verifying information, and generating reports, allowing professionals in this field to focus on more complex and value-added aspects of their roles. 

Furthermore, AI-driven analytics can offer mortgage loan closers and post-closers valuable insights. By analyzing historical data and current market trends, AI can help predict potential risks associated with specific loans, thereby aiding decision-making processes. Additionally, AI-powered tools can provide personalized recommendations tailored to individual customer needs, improving customer satisfaction and retention.  

AI aids in compliance checks, documentation organization, and timeline management, enabling closers to concentrate on closing strategies, client satisfaction, and post-closing activities like quality control and customer feedback analysis. 

When introducing AI in mortgage lending to employees, it's crucial to emphasize the benefits and opportunities it brings rather than focusing solely on its technological complexity. Here are some key points highlighting the benefits of AI for employees:

Efficiency Boost:

AI will help process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. This means reducing the time spent on administrative tasks and enabling employees to dedicate more time to providing personalized service to clients.

Improved Decision-making:

By leveraging AI-driven analytics, companies can make more informed decisions. It helps companies identify patterns, assess risks, and offer better-tailored solutions to their customers.

Enhanced Customer Experience:

With AI, companies can offer a more personalized experience to their clients. By understanding their needs better through data analysis, they can provide more relevant and timely support.

Learning and Growth Opportunities:

Embracing AI means employees will have opportunities to upskill and learn new technologies. This can lead to personal and professional development, making everyone more adaptable in an evolving industry. 

This approach aims to acknowledge employee concerns while highlighting AI's positive impact on their roles and the overall customer experience. It emphasizes support, training, and a collaborative approach to integrating AI into their workflows. 


The integration of AI in mortgage operations has initiated a profound "before and after" transformation in the industry. Initially, mortgage processes were often characterized by time-consuming manual tasks, prone to errors, and constrained by limited data analysis capabilities. However, the advent of AI has revolutionized these operations, delivering substantial improvements across various facets:


Efficiency and Speed

AI-driven automation has significantly expedited processes such as loan origination, underwriting, and approval. Tasks that once took days or weeks to complete can now be accomplished within hours, enhancing operational efficiency.

Enhanced Accuracy

AI algorithms excel in analyzing vast datasets to assess risk factors and predict borrower behavior with higher precision. This accuracy minimizes errors in decision-making, reducing the likelihood of defaults and enhancing overall risk management.

Improved Customer Experience

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants offer personalized support to borrowers, providing prompt responses to queries and guidance throughout the mortgage application process. This heightened level of service enhances customer satisfaction and engagement.

Risk Mitigation

AI-based models analyze diverse data points to assess creditworthiness more comprehensively, enabling lenders to make informed decisions and mitigate risks effectively.

Cost Reduction

By automating repetitive tasks, AI reduces operational costs associated with manual labor, making mortgage processes more cost-effective for both lenders and borrowers.

Regulatory Compliance

AI systems assist in ensuring compliance with complex and evolving regulations. They facilitate adherence to legal requirements, reducing the risk of penalties and non-compliance issues.

Innovation and Adaptability

Continual advancements in AI technologies empower the mortgage industry to adapt swiftly to market changes, adopting new models and strategies to stay competitive.

Regulatory Compliance

AI systems assist in ensuring compliance with complex and evolving regulations. They facilitate adherence to legal requirements, reducing the risk of penalties and non-compliance issues.

The adoption of AI has not only streamlined operational efficiency but has also fundamentally altered the dynamics of the mortgage industry, fostering a landscape where data-driven insights, speed, accuracy, and customer-centricity are paramount. While challenges persist, such as data privacy concerns and the need for human oversight, the before-and-after impact of AI adoption in mortgage operations remains a testament to its transformative potential. 

Ari Gross, CEO and co-founder of TRUE, continues to fight against the idea that AI will replace humans by sharing the importance of leaning into how AI can enhance the human touch of the mortgage experience. 

"If the broader jobs market is not presently a concern related to AI, is there a specific threat from AI to mortgage industry jobs?"

The advent of cars essentially eliminated the need for horse-drawn transportation. The photocopier and personal computer put typing pools firmly in the past. And yet, whatever the innovation, the world has invariably benefited from new jobs, increased work, higher productivity, and economic growth.  

TRUE prepares you for what's next.

The mortgage industry runs on data, but difficulties with completeness and accuracy have made that data impossible to trust. A complex and risk-prone blend of human skill and technology is accepted as the cost of doing business. Artificial intelligence is removing these challenges… forever. Next-generation optical AI, built by TRUE, reliably outperforms humans at reading, classifying, and extracting data from borrowers’ documents. The result is trusted lending intelligence. The impact of trust in data is genuine mortgage origination automation and servicing automation – something that the mortgage industry has been seeking to achieve for many years. 

Further Reading

Market trends, industry reports, customer case studies and AI insights to help you navigate digital transformation, innovation and next-gen mortgage technologies.

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